Bripe Coffee Brew Pipe

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Bripe Coffee Brew Pipe

Bripe Coffee Brew Pipe

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Bripe is a coffee brew pipe that was created by two friends with an overarching sense of adventure. This innovative apparatus was designed as an extremely portable, lightweight way to brew coffee in the great outdoors. After a chance meeting of Bripe’s founders on a camping trip in the Canadian wilderness, the two men bonded over a need for an accessible coffee maker that can be carted along on any trek.

The Bripe Coffee Brew Pipe was the answer to that need, offering a solution that wasn’t too complex, nor too bulky or heavy that it couldn’t be packed away in a backpack or slung into a kayak. The Bripe is a small, lightweight, copper and silver pipe that brews up delicious coffee anywhere in the world. It produces the energy giving beverage without the use of electricity, a gas canister, kettle, or stove. Simply add ground coffee and water to the Bripe and then use its included portable butane-powered quad jet torch to warm your blend of choice.

The Bripe’s power lies within its inner cone design that allow for greater heating and cooling efficiency that make an exceptional cup of coffee. The Bripe’s precision-etched stainless steel filter accommodates various types of coffee grinds, while a thermometer, that doubles as a stir stick, allows for more precision brewing. It works quickly, too, brewing up beverages in three minutes or less, so precious time can be sent exploring rather than literally waiting for water to boil.

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