The Nautilus By Bowers & Wilkins: 30 Years Of Sonic Brilliance And Iconic Design

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$ 70,000/pair
The Nautilus By Bowers & Wilkins: 30 Years Of Sonic Brilliance And Iconic Design

The Nautilus By Bowers & Wilkins: 30 Years Of Sonic Brilliance And Iconic Design

Its striking form, influenced by the science of sound, serves as a constant reminder of the remarkable possibilities that can be achieved.

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$ 70,000/pair

For the past three decades, the Bowers & Wilkins Nautilus loudspeaker has captivated audiophiles and design enthusiasts alike. An icon of audio engineering, the Nautilus continues to push the boundaries of sound reproduction, showcasing the relentless pursuit of perfection by Bowers & Wilkins. In celebration of its 30th anniversary, the company introduces a dazzling new addition to the Nautilus family – the Abalone Pearl pair, inspired by the marine creature of the same name.

Handmade with unwavering passion and expertise at the Worthing, UK factory, each Nautilus loudspeaker represents the culmination of decades of craftsmanship. The signature design, characterized by its instantly recognizable form and long, tapered damping tubes, seamlessly blends art and science. These tubes revolutionized the industry by allowing drive units to operate optimally, absorbing stray energy and enhancing overall sound performance.

Nautilus embodies the essence of Bowers & Wilkins’ commitment to exceptional design and True Sound. The loudspeaker is available in three standard colors – Silver, Black, and Midnight Blue – ensuring a stylish addition to any interior. Additionally, Bowers & Wilkins offers a unique service that can match any color sample or reference, providing the ultimate level of customization for those seeking a truly one-of-a-kind audio experience.

The Nautilus loudspeaker represents the core values of Bowers & Wilkins, reflecting the visionary mindset of its founder, John Bowers. With a relentless dedication to innovation and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of sound reproduction, Bowers & Wilkins has paved the way for groundbreaking technologies that continue to shape the world of high-end audio.

In other tech news, see the Sony SRS-XV800 X-Series Speaker.

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