‘Army Of One’ Official Trailer

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‘Army Of One’ Official Trailer

‘Army Of One’ Official Trailer

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We always knew that Nicolas Cage was a bit… strange, but we thought it was because he was paying his way out of debt by basically saying ‘yes’ to any and every script that landed on his lap. But then again, he’s always been more than comfortable with pushing the boundaries of his own sanity for the sake of his character on film. Who can forget his recital of the alphabet, a mundane task at best made into one of the most entertaining scenes to ever grace the silver screen?

If you’re a fan of Cage’s zany sense of humor and over-the-top acting, his latest film might be right up your alley. Army of One is a hilarious comedy based on a true story about a man obsessed with capturing Osama Bin Laden. The official trailer above shines with Cage’s spot on performance of a crazed man, but also reveals an endearing side of the actor and his unhinged performance. Unlike many of his latest films, Army of One looks to be a truly hilarious, yet bizarre comedy that will be both entertaining and strangely satisfying. Army of One will be released in select theaters on November 4, 2016.

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