Alfa 1977 Toto Grill Oven

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Alfa 1977 Toto Grill Oven

Alfa 1977 Toto Grill Oven

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Billing themselves as “industrial artisans with the passion for fire,” Italy’s Alfa 1977 has been designing and manufacturing ovens, barbeques, stoves, and refractory bricks for four decades. It has sold more than 500,000 high-end cooking devices on a global basis. Over the years, the company has developed particular expertise in the production of wood fired ovens, and it enjoys a reputation as a leader in this specialized field.

Alfa 1977’s latest offering, the Toto Grill Oven, strives to make wood cooking as easy and accessible as possible. An all-in-one device, it features a full suite of included accessories such as an oven burner for igniting wood, a grill burner for igniting both wood and charcoal, a grid lifter/smokescreen safety shield, and a multipurpose cook deck that can hold pans, woks, and stones for the preparation of stone-fired pizza. These accessories can be used in conjunction with the the Toto’s stainless steel grill/cooking top and/or its traditional brick oven that is perfect for baking bread.

The Toto grill features air control and a stainless steel embers box, while its oven features a highly accurate pyrometer and a ceramic glass door that is heat resistant up to 1.472°F. The entire unit is weatherproofed with a coating of primer and seven layers of paint. The Toto Grill Oven is a 2017 nominee for the German Design Award.

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