A24 Screenplay Books by Garland, Eggers & Jenkins

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A24 Screenplay Books by Garland, Eggers & Jenkins

A24 Screenplay Books by Garland, Eggers & Jenkins

The contents of each book give readers behind the scenes insight that includes commentary, production notes, concept art, and more.

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$ 60

The A24 Screenplay Books by Garland, Eggers & Jenkins give you a perfect addition to your home library or movie catalog with a series of screenplays of some of the production company’s most successful releases. With 25 Academy Award nominations in the last 7 years, the company has been behind some of the best original screenplays of the last decade. By putting the scripts of Alex Garland’s Ex Machina, Robert Egger’s The VVitch, and Barry Jenkin’s Moonlight into their hands, A24 gives readers a deeper perspective into these stories.

Each hardcover bound edition is adorned with a screenshot from each of the films to add to its cinematic aesthetic. The inside is what counts though, as each edition includes more than just the text of each screenplay. The contents give readers behind the scenes insight that includes commentary, 24 vivid screen frames from each movie, production notes, and concept art. This series is perfect for any cinephile who appreciates the multifaceted dimensions of these films.

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