ZipStitch Laceration Kit

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ZipStitch Laceration Kit

ZipStitch Laceration Kit

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If you’re an outdoorsman who likes to live life on the edge, you might be prone to a lot of cuts and scrapes. If you haven’t yet experienced that big accident yet, it’s time to think ahead and have the ZipStitch Laceration Kit with you when you play.

When getting to the ER fast just isn’t an option, these surgical quality zip closures help you tend to minor cuts up to 2” long and 1/8” wide, without stitches. With a super strong adhesive that can be adjusted to close the wound, the ZipStitch Laceration Kit protects your cuts eight times better than painful stitches you would get at the hospital.

When the standard first aid kit isn’t up to the task, having the ZipStitch Kit in your backpack or travel gear might save the day.

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