Zero Fucks Coin

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Zero Fucks Coin

Zero Fucks Coin

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How many fucks do you give when your next-door neighbor whines and complains about that one loud party you throw every half-decade or so? About the co-workers who don’t like the fact that you brought tuna fish for lunch? Or about the former high school mate you barely remember who keeps trying to reconnect?

Aren’t there times when you simply wish the world knew just how little you cared? How few fucks you gave? Now you can express your true feelings with the Zero Fucks Coin. Display it proudly every time the occasion calls for a profound statement of profane nonchalance.

On the front side of the nickel-silver coin, a middle finger proudly extends alongside an invitation to “SPIN ON THIS.” The reverse side shows the coin’s denomination to be “0 Fucks.” The Zero Fucks Coin is as thick as a U.S. nickel and a little larger in diameter than a quarter, but it’s worth so much more. Proudly exhibit it whenever the assholes start circling the wagons. It might not win you any friends, but a flash of this coin is reserved for occasions when you’re not trying to make any.

Oh, and the coin is issued by The United States of Zero Fucks. So you know it’s official.

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