XTND Electric Board

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XTND Electric Board

XTND Electric Board

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It’s time to take back skateboarding from the likes of Lil Wayne.

The XTND Electric Board is the world’s first electric board with built in artificial intelligence (AI) that may actually be better than a car. Have you ever been in rush hour LA traffic? Between 4-7 pm daily, it’s better to be on a skateboard. Why not be on one with a smart security system that includes foot recognition, wireless charging, regenerative braking and automatic lights?

Forget smelly public transportation as well. As long as you remember to put on deodorant, you will be traveling in style in your urban commute. The AI on the XTND gives you viable urban transport, officially elevating the skateboard from a weekend hobby tool into a serious tool to get you from Point A to Point B. You get an onboard navigator that is smart enough to recommend alternative routes if your main pathway is bottlenecked.

Safety features: You get lights for nighttime riding. They switch on automatically at night. Most importantly, you don’t have to be a pro skater to ride the XTND. The board stops when you step off of it, it doesn’t move until you get ready, and you can turn it off by remote at any time.

We’re getting closer to our own personal R2-D2s. Until that day comes, get with this next level skateboard. You’ll be flying by your friends and your professional colleagues with a more efficient, less expensive and way cooler mode of transport.

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