Why Him? Trailer

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Why Him? Trailer

Why Him? Trailer

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As a father, meeting your daughter’s new boyfriend can be a stressful and difficult situation if you are an overprotective dad. No matter how much of a great guy her boyfriend may be, it’s hard to erase the feeling that you’re darling daughter is being ripped away from you by some stranger that you know is up to no good. It’s especially more difficult if that character is a socially awkward, but well-meaning Silicon Valley billionaire played by James Franco.

Looks like that’s exactly what Bryan Cranston’s character is up against in the upcoming film, Why Him? We would normally dismiss a film like this, but from the looks of the trailer above, we have a lot to look forward to from Cranston and Franco, both known for their knack for comedy. You can also watch the more hilarious Red Band tailer below. Why Him? will hit theaters this Christmas.

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