Trees Knees Coffee Maple

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Trees Knees Coffee Maple

Trees Knees Coffee Maple

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It’s not often you’ll find a food topping that adds joy to a bowl of ice cream, a snifter of booze and a stack of pancakes. But Trees Knees Coffee Maple from Bushwick Kitchen is not your grandma’s syrup. You can pretty much pour it over any damn thing you want, and, at the very least, it will do it no harm.

This most unusual and tasty topping comes from the Catskills Mountains, and it’s been infused with Stumptown Coffee Roasters Hair Bender Blend. What you end up with is a bunch of tongue-tickling notes of dark chocolate, fudge, toffee and cherry. Bottom line, it’s Christmas in your mouth every damn day of the year.

As for you New Age foodies with your delicate appetites and rigidly set moral compasses, Trees Knees Coffee Maple is gluten-free, Paleo-friendly and vegan. We don’t know that many Paleos who are friendly with vegans and vice versa, but don’t sweat the details. This stuff adds just as much savory oomph to a slice of lean beef as it does to an unseasoned plate of tofu. Pour it on.

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