Thrive Motorcycle T-006 Kuzuri

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Thrive Motorcycle T-006 Kuzuri

Thrive Motorcycle T-006 Kuzuri

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There are many things that Indonesia is known for, probably first amongst them would be the country’s stunning beaches, its retreats of tranquility, and its varied cuisine. The last thing that might come to mind when thinking about this South Asian country is motorcycles, but over the last few years, Indonesia has proven that it is the place to be for modern custom bikes.

Jakarta workshops have been churning out world-class cafe racers for quite some time now. While more adventurous workshops are expanding into the introduction of heavier metals, the Thrive Motorcycle T-006 Kuzuri is an outstanding example. Thrive has been known for the tantalizing selection of Yamahas and Royal Enfields under its belt, pushing the boat out a bit further with each one into designs previously unseen by the industry.

With the release of the T-006 Kuzuri, Thrive branches out once again with a chopper influenced model that still incorporates the modern sleek lines and finishes characteristic of its fabricators Indra Pratama and Barata Dwiputra. This bike uses a Harley XL1200 Sportster engine from 2000, that was part of a direct order from the United States, delivering a more reliable, contemporary drivetrain.

The V-twin quickly became a testing ground for Thrive’s custom parts division, with a bespoke primary, cam, sprocket and rocket covers, and a new air filter. Kuzuri translates to “wolverine” in Japanese, so it’s only fitting that the Thrive team was inspired by Japanese chopper design. A custom rigid frame from Central Java, fabricated new in-house bodywork, a newly built gas tank, sleek tail unit, oil tank, electric box, and headlight surround add more appealing handmade features.

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