The Barber Book

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The Barber Book

The Barber Book

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Burt Lancaster’s hair was lush and full. John Lennon’s was long and stringy. Tab Hunter wore a crewcut. Oscar Gamble’s ‘fro barely fit under his Cleveland Indians’ ballcap. Mo Howard and the Beatles had bangs. The Red Hot Chili Peppers had mohawks.

Men through the ages, and particularly during the turbulent 20th century, were defined by their hairstyles. They were made famous by some coiffure choices, and reviled by others. Or even judged by their calculated lack of style.

The Barber Book is a fun and instructive hardcover coffee table book that captures all of this between its 192 pages. Its informative text, vintage photos and quirky artist sketches by the Italian artist Matteo Guarnaccia build a narrative of the hundred-year history of the hairstyles that have defined the modern male.

The Barber Book also includes a list of the world’s finest barber shops, if you wish to mimic one of the looks in the book. With detailed instructions, it will not only assist you but also your barber on achieving that look.

Or simply get The Barber Book as a way of looking back fondly on the way we used to live our lives.

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