Teforia Leaf Tea Infuser

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Teforia Leaf Tea Infuser

Teforia Leaf Tea Infuser

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The perfect cup of tea is often an elusive but seductive beast. The morning, afternoon, or evening cup has become not only a ritual but a tradition in many parts of the world from the tea plantations of India, to the famous high teas of Great Britain, to fresh brews on porches all across North America. Many have sought to create the perfect cup of tea, but it’s perhaps Teforia that has gotten close.

Backed by principles rooted in science and design, Teforia Leaf was created around the commitment to transform the traditional tea ritual into a thoroughly modern, immersive experience. The year of globe trotting and laboratory tweaking have produced the Teforia Leaf tea infuser, to bring the richness and warmth of a superior brewed cup to homes everywhere.

Experiencing the Teforia Leaf is like having you own personal tea master. It’s incredibly innovative and breathtaking design is matched only by the advanced algorithms it uses to create the most flavorful and freshly brewed cup of tea every single time. It’s streamlined, optic white base and beaker-like infusion globe and carafe make an attractive addition to the kitchen countertops of any contemporary home.

If the bells and whistles of the Teforia fails to amaze you, the Leaf comes with a 30-day perfect tea guarantee. The only downside is that the Leaf only brews Teforia’s teas. Yet with a collection of artisan, expertly crafted teas from around the world this is sure to be a minor issue.

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