Mosi Tea Infuser Bottle

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$ 32+
Mosi Tea Infuser Bottle

Mosi Tea Infuser Bottle

Brew the perfect cup of your favorite loose-leaf tea anywhere, no tools necessary.

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$ 32+

No matter how minimalist and zenlike the act of drinking loose-leaf tea may seem, you need tools to make it. Quite a lot, in fact. Designed for those on the go, the Mosi Tea Infuser Bottle lets you brew the perfect cup of tea from your office, in your car, or anywhere.

Simply place your favorite loose leaf tea into the sieve and twist it into the bottle. Add water and flip it upside down to brew for the desired time. Because the strainer is attached to the lid, you won’t have to worry about submerged leaves that lead to oversteeped or bitter tea. The attached drinking cup is inspired by traditional gongfu teacups.

All components of the infuser are food-grade materials and are free of BPA and BPS. Your tea stays warm or cold longer with double-walled insulation, the silicone top and bottom add security, and the bottle is made of lightweight, impact-resistant plastic. It fits with most cup holders and includes a convenient flip top and loop handle. The 12-ounce infuser is dishwasher-safe and features a condensation-free interior.

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