Tea Heads F**king Tea

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Tea Heads F**king Tea

Tea Heads F**king Tea

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Profanity can be a great way to make a point. It’s like an exclamation mark hidden inside of a sentence for more emphasis. For tea drinkers, a day without them can incredibly difficulty to get though, which is why the folks at Tea Heads have appropriately named their teas with a hint of profanity to make it obvious which tea you should be drinking, depending on your mood and needs.

The appropriately profanity-ridden tripack of teas include Calm the F**k Down (sencha, licorice, and peppermint), Go the F**k to Sleep (chamomile and peppermint), and Shut the F**k Up (chai masala), or you can just buy the Whole F**king Family and let your mood dictate which one to drink. These teas that speak your thoughts are not just novelty items, as their specially designed and hand blended products reflect commitment to flavor and quality. So stop f**king whining about your day and drink some f**king tea.

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