Sunup Green Coffee

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Sunup Green Coffee

Sunup Green Coffee

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Going green was not a phrase typically applied to coffee; that is, until 2016 when Sunup Green Coffee came into being in New York City. Sunup Green Coffee focuses on providing a delicious coffee that is as natural as it is good. You might be thinking “all coffee is natural.” While that is true, Sunup Green Coffee takes things one step further by getting rid of the entire roasting process to instead create a drinkable coffee that is natural, green, and fortunately far more delicious than other green drinks (we’re looking at you, morning kale smoothie).

By using hot water to process the organic, raw coffee beans, Sunup Green Coffee produces drinks that are loaded with antioxidants and provide the caffeine jolt that most people need to get up in the morning or make it through those long Friday afternoon meetings. Five simple recipes to create five unique drinks that all bring the delicious taste of coffee without the typical color, but with all of the flavor that we have come to know and love from our morning cup of Joe.

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