Sakura Cherry Blossom Pasta

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Sakura Cherry Blossom Pasta

Sakura Cherry Blossom Pasta

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Yeah, we know what you’re thinking, because we thought it too. You saw the name of this product, Sakura Cherry Blossom Pasta, and you thought – “huh?” You read “Sakura,” and figured it was Japanese, and pasta, which you know is Italian, and maybe you snickered a little bit or rolled your eyes or –

And that’s where you went wrong, pal. Not being quite as culturally insensitive as you, we did a little research. By which, we mean we Googled “history of pasta.” First item on our result page said that, while we think of pasta as being culturally Italian, it actually descended from ancient Asian noodles. Marco Polo-style, we believe.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s take a closer look at Sakura Cherry Blossom Pasta, which isn’t ancient at all. It’s Japanese pasta that looks as good as it no doubt tastes. Comes in five packs and boils in seven minutes. Then sits on your plate looking too good to eat. That’s thanks to the cherry blossom shape and the beet dye coloration. But stifle your urge to just stare at this tasty repast, and savor it.

Sure, the cost is a somewhat significant $37. But consider it a small price to pay for the valuable lesson you’ve just learned about world culture.

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