Roamproof PWR27 Powerstation

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$ 189
Roamproof PWR27 Powerstation

Roamproof PWR27 Powerstation

This indestructible power bank can charge your devices for seven days with its 27,000 mAh battery and integrated solar-powered life extension.

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$ 189

As we continue to look for better and more reliable ways to power the digital devices that power our lives, tech manufacturers are scrambling to produce the perfect charging bank.The new PWR27 Powerstation from Roamproof sets itself apart from the competition in many ways.

First and foremost, you’ll be hard pressed to find a power bank that’s as durable as the PWR27. Roamproof has thoroughly tested and confirmed its ability to withstand falls of 1000 feet and just under two tons of crushing weight. The PWR27 is fully IP67-certified to keep out both water and dust.

This charging bank is also extremely powerful, giving you seven days of consistent charging capabilities thanks to its 27,000 mAh battery and enough USB-A and USB-C ports to accommodate four devices at once. The Roamproof PWR27 is also the first power bank to feature integrated solar-powered life extension and emergency trickle recharge capabilities.

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