Huge MOTO Custom Motorcycle Kit

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Huge MOTO Custom Motorcycle Kit

Huge MOTO Custom Motorcycle Kit

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Two-wheeled transportation has always had a stubborn but persuasive appeal for men. There’s a certain sense of freedom that you can only experience on two wheels: When we were kids, it was that moment when you were able to break free from the training wheels; as adults we came to appreciate scooters, motorcycles, choppers, super bikes, etc. There seems to be a fascination for two wheels for every single stage of our lives, even to the point where we’d ponder about two-wheeled wheels chairs at the nursing home. Once we get a taste of these drugs-on-two-wheels, we start to wonder how to make them cooler and faster than the rest; how to differentiate ourselves for that ultimate expression of freedom, leading to the custom bike scene becoming a highly popular industry these days.

So for those that wished for that extra dose of personalization, here’s a custom kit that may offer just the right amount of personalization without breaking the bank. Designers of custom motorcycle kits Huge MOTO introduces the Huge MOTO Custom Motorcycle Kit for the Honda CBR1000RR — Honda’s very capable sport bike. The kit contains everything from levers with integrated LED turn signals, dual-bulb headlight, to a very tasteful solo-tail with integrated break and turn signals that will spice up your pedestrian Honda into something that looks more like a set piece from a sci-fi movie.

The kit may seem intimidating for those that are mechanically challenged, but the work can be done with household tools so there’s no need to be a discouraged. Currently on crowdfunding site Indiegogo, this kit may be the perfect spark to once again light up your passion for two wheeled motoring.

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