RhinoWolf Tent

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$ 310+
RhinoWolf Tent

RhinoWolf Tent

Free up some daylight and backpack space with this all-inclusive outdoor “sleeping system.”

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$ 310+

Camping gear is getting more packable than ever, but what if you could eliminate the need for a ground pad and sleeping bag altogether? The RhinoWolf Tent is a whole “sleeping system” that includes a sleeping bag, air mattress pad, and weather-resistant tent all in one five-pound bundle. The single-pole tent is easy to assemble – bug screen and all – and you only need about ten breaths to inflate the air mattress, which is designed with V-shaped chambers that support your body and prevent leakage.

This looks like the perfect single-person solution, but if you’re camping with friends, you can also attach another RhinoWolf Tent to expand your shelter. Camping in freezing temperatures? Choose a three-season or four-season tent instead of the standard two-season version. No matter which RhinoWolf Tent joins your camping collection, you’ll get a windproof, rainproof shelter that combines super-light, super-thick Nylon with super-warm, super-comfortable down.

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