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Syros Block722

Residence in Syros I by Block722

The perfect summer house with breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea, located in Syros, Greece.

As the colder weather starts to descend upon us, our focus already seems to shift to next summer, where we can once again bask in the sun and forget about this miserable cold weather. What better way to get through the colder season than to ogle at the perfect summer house, located in Syros, an island in the Aegean, in Greece.

Residence in Syros I by Block722 is a summer house that takes advantage of the expansive views of the Plagia Bay. With stunning views of the Aegean Sea, the house was built for a couple that enjoys hosting their guests in their summer house. The design was dictated by the views and the desire to build a house without a massive volume, resulting in this structure that’s a deconstructed rectangle with openings from multiple sides. Neutral, soft tones dominate the interior, letting the breathtaking scenery take center stage while the space itself recedes to the background, serving as a comfortable and practical respite for the occupants. All the materials have an organic feel to them, from the wood with raised graining and use of natural rocks that add to the casual, relaxed vibe. It’s the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the Aegean, and a place we can dream about spending time in once summer hits again next year.