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All natural sunlight. As human beings, we all crave it. And we go to great lengths to let it into our living and working environments. However, not everybody can afford that beautiful home with those large bay windows. So what do you do if you need to let the sunshine in but you live in a tiny apartment with even tinier windows. Or if you spend 40-plus hours a week in a shoebox of an office with no windows whatsoever.

komorebi may be the answer for you. A modern solution to an age-old problem, this programmable device uses digital technology to project multiple forms of natural light onto almost any surface. Think of this light as coming from a virtual window in your otherwise windowless room. Just as if it were coming from a real window, the light from the komorebi gently and gradually changes shape and location in interaction with the environment.

komorebi consists of three parts. First, there is the projector itself — a dynamic piece of equipment that can be programmed to change the location of its projected light to mimic a moving sun. Second, the projector is supported by a platform that allows users to upload unique light experiences that are suited to their specific living spaces. The third component of komorebi is the projection itself, which is tailor-made for artificial sunlight but can be altered to showcase any type of visual.

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