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When you put together entrepreneurs with backgrounds in engineering, manufacturing, inflatable design, hydrofoil design and competition windsurfing and kitesurfing, among other useful talents and pursuits, you’re going to build something. It’s going to be a watercraft of some kind. And it’s going to be pretty kick-ass. Meet the Jetfoiler by Kai Concepts.

The Jetfoiler is a hydrofoil, or what they call an e-foil. That’s basically a surfboard with an electric motor, a hydrofoil underneath and the ability to slice quickly and quietly through the water. The foil rises from beneath you so that you eventually hover several feet above the waterline, lifted there to increase speed and reduce drag, adding to the efficiency of the power source. And it looks pretty rad, or whatever the surfer crowd is saying these days.

And about that power source. The electric motor runs cleanly and quietly, so what you hear is the wind and nautical nature. The board construction is of the same tough composites used for high-end racing boats.

Is the Jetfoiler for everyone? Try it out first. It certainly requires a certain amount of balance as you stand there holding on to your ride by a single strap. It looks like it could be tough on those balancing legs. But once you’ve got it all sorted out, the Jetfoil is the marine equivalent of straddling a motorcycle with no helmet visor versus riding a bus. But presumably safer.

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