How To Fucking Swear Around The World

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How To Fucking Swear Around The World

How To Fucking Swear Around The World

Each of the 100 cards offers a lesson whether you’re trying to avoid saying something rude or trying to fit in with the locals at the pub.

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There’s a reason that travel is food for the soul. Opening one’s self to different cultures, customs, and experiences offers a resonating reminder about how much there is beyond any individual. However, cultural assimilation can be tricky. Gestures and phrases in one part of the world can have an entirely different meaning in another. The line between polite and offensive becomes razor-thin when you’re in a new country. So whether you’re trying to avoid saying something off-putting or trying to fit in with the locals at the pub, How To Fucking Swear Around The World offers a set of flashcards that lets you brush up on your cursing.

This deck of cards is designed to break down words and phrases from countries all over the world. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, readers can expand their vocabulary in a manner that isn’t exactly what their high school foreign language teacher had in mind. These flashcards make travelers as foul-mouthed as any local.

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