Gravity Chopsticks 2.0

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Gravity Chopsticks 2.0

Gravity Chopsticks 2.0

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If they value cleanliness and convenience, regular consumers of Asian cuisine may already be familiar with the original Gravity Chopsticks release, or at least interested in the idea. This innovative product eliminates much of the mess and contamination that commonly goes hand in hand with ordinary chopsticks. With larger and heavier bottom ends, Gravity Chopsticks ensure that their eating tips remain levitated above any surface that you lay them upon, keeping them perfectly sanitary and your table perfectly pristine.

Drawing upon the comments of backers and customers, the creators of Gravity Chopsticks have now reformatted and improved their original designs to introduce the Gravity Chopsticks 2.0. Forget perching your chopsticks precariously on the edge of your bowl or dealing with the extra hassle and expense of using a separate chopstick rest. The simple and sleek Gravity Chopsticks 2.0 are all that you need.

Unlike the the first version, Gravity Chopsticks 2.0 are 100-percent dishwasher safe. They also incorporate a more minimalist look and feel that make a beautiful and practical addition to virtually any dining set. Other key features of these chopsticks include a texturized finish for better gripping and a four-sided design to prevent rolling.

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