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Grado Reference Series RS1x and RS2x

Grado Labs Introduces The New Reference Series

Along with the new X Drivers, the RS1x and RS2x are now built with new durable 8-conductor cables

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$ 550+

Grado Labs is introducing two new artisan-made options for luxury open-backed headphones. They are the Grado Reference Series RS1x and RS2x from this innovative Brooklyn-based audio manufacturer. Founded in 1953, Grado Labs is a company that relies on prestige word-of-mouth marketing from savvy consumers who demand the very best of their audio equipment. Enter the Grado Reference Series RS1x and RS2x. The Series RS1x has a headphone housing that is crafted with three different types of wood: maple on the sleeve, hemp at the core, and cocobolo along the outer ring. This is a handsome-looking pair of headphones that screams luxe in a way that Beats does not, with their more sporty vibe.

The Grado Series RS2x is exclusively made of hemp and maple, with the ability to truly solidify warm and encompassing tonal abilities that lead to extraordinary sound quality and unparalleled design. These newly built speakers are the fourth generation of drivers the Brooklyn company has designed since the introduction of the first Grado headphone in 1991. The Series RS1x and RS2x are going to preserve the full audio experience no matter what is pumping through the speakers all the while looking gorgeous wearing a white-stitched leather headband.

For another headphone option, check out Sony’s Pulse 3D Wireless Headset.