GEKO Smart Whistle

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GEKO Smart Whistle

GEKO Smart Whistle

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Everything is suddenly getting smarter these days. Your thermostat knows what temperature to set itself to before you even have a chance to get home from the office. The smart motion detectors that you installed in your home automatically turn your lights on and off when someone walks into a room, saving you a huge amount of money every month on your utility bills. Your television automatically records your favorite shows, making sure that you don’t miss even a second of Say Yes to the Dress or Game of Thrones. Hey, no judgement.

It makes sense that your whistle stands to get a little smarter, too. Powered by both state-of-the-art GPS and Bluetooth technology, the GEKO Smart Whistle is a monumental tool that can alert your loved ones in seconds when you are in need of assistance – regardless of what type of assistance that happens to be. Once you set up the WISO app on your smartphone and pair it to your device, you can select the contacts whom you wish to notify when certain types of situations occur. Just blow into the mouthpiece on your whistle for two seconds and you’ll activate an SOS alert automatically. You can set it to send SMS text messages, emails with a map containing your current location and more – the choice is yours.

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