FREY Clothing Care Kit

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FREY Clothing Care Kit

FREY Clothing Care Kit

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If you had to make a list of all the things you hate doing, we’re going to take a wild guess and say laundry and ironing is right at the top. One minute, you’re doing laundry. It should be a straight forward process, but for some reason transforming your dirty laundry to look at its best seems to be an art form that only your mother knows how to master. You take an incredible amount of care to fold everything as precisely as humanly possible. You turn your back — maybe to check out the latest news chyron on TV or to check your cell phone — and suddenly that same shirt looks like you just pulled it out of a cardboard box that sat on the floor of your garage for a decade. But before you pull your hair out or throw those clothes in the garbage, you might want to think again.

Designed to keep you and your clothes look, smell, and feel great, the FREY Clothing Care Kit simplifies the process of caring for your clothes. Included in the kit are The Concentrated Detergent, The Dryer Sheets, The Wrinkle Releaser, The Stain Remover, and The Nomad Freshener. It’s clothing care to the Nth degree. From it’s incredible scent (it smells like “happiness”, we swear!) to its unique formula to unbeatable results, FREY Clothing Care Kit will help you look your best all day, every day. It really is the closest thing to clothes-related magic that we’re likely going to get anytime soon.

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