Flipp Remote

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Flipp Remote

Flipp Remote

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The dark, crumbs and lint filled crevices between the sofa cushions is where an endless stream of remote controls go to die. Anyone who has fumbled around down there to find them can attest to how unglamorous the activity is. The Flipp Remote changes all of that, forever solving the question of “where’s the remote?”

This unique remote control is a small flat disk that looks like a smooth pebble and fits in the palm of your hand. when left on the coffee table or shelf it looks like an elegant paperweight. Yet the magnificent thing is that this little, arty device is a handy remote control completely free of any buttons to fiddle with. Simply pair it with your Sonos or related stereo system, and fire up your Spotify and you’re ready to go.

The Flipp Remote has two sides, the white speckled side is for controlling volume, while the black underside is for changing songs and playlists. Rotating the control or running your finger over the volume side will raise or lower the volume, while pressing it will stop and start songs. On the flip side you can scroll through songs at the flick of a wrist. Pressing and rotating at the same time will let you skip through songs quicker.

The best thing about the Flipp is its utter simplicity. There is no clunky device with a million buttons to handle. You don’t even need to connect Flipp to your phone or WIFI. It also lasts for two years without recharging so batteries and cords don’t stand between you and your music.

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