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Those who frequent the underwater world know the struggle of getting fins on and off while wearing scuba gear — and the hassle of readjusting the heel strap in the water. Chances are good you’re also familiar with a fin strap that slips off the back of your heel or rubs too tightly once on. Thankfully, the engineers behind the Finclip have an elegant, groundbreaking solution. The Finclip makes putting on your fins a simple, hands-free process — as easy as clicking your foot into a ski boot. The clip mounts to the back of each fin and allows you to slide your boot in and press down with your heel to click the heel strap up. Then dive in so you can enjoy the real business at hand: enjoying the water, not adjusting your gear.

The Finclip was designed by professional divers, engineers, and gear aficionados who know that simple gear that works is the sexiest thing the dive world has to offer. Picture an easy-on, easy-off way to deal with fins — no elaborate contortions or backbreaking bends wearing a BCD and tank. If that doesn’t get you excited, no dive gear will. Easy adjustability between your heel and the clip ensures the perfect fit every time, and the ergonomic heelpiece reduces pressure on your heel to make swimming for extended periods far more comfortable. The innovative design works well with a variety of Mares-style fin heel straps (which also includes some other brands), so chances are good it’ll work with your favorite fins. Whether you’re a recreational diver or a pro, diving with a dry suit in California or board shorts in the Pacific islands, Finclips make the process simpler and more enjoyable.

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