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Wine Stain Remover

Chateau Spill Red Wine Stain Remover

The best friend any wine lover could ask for has finally arrived and it's called the Chateau Spill Red Wine Stain Remover.

Any serious wine aficionado out there can tell you that wine spills are not a question of “if”, but “when.” One minute, you’re enjoying a glass of your favorite red wine and telling a wonderful little anecdote that you kind of half remember from the latest issue of The New Yorker. The next minute, you’re racing against time to get that same red wine out of your beautiful new carpet. The Chateau Spill Red Wine Stain Remover is truly the one bottle no wine lover should be without, unless you’re talking about an actual bottle of wine and then yes of course you’re going to need one of those, too.

You don’t need to worry anymore, thanks to the product that the wine experts at Wired Magazine call “indisputably the best product for removing red wine stains.” It brings together a unique formula based on good, old-fashioned science that quickly starts breaking down the stain from the moment that contact is made. You can now fight stains and keep them from forming pigments at the cellular level, not only allowing you to act as the true science warrior that you are but getting things cleaned up in enough time so that you can concentrate on entertaining your guests and keeping everyone happy. The Chateau Spill Red Wine Stain Remover uses no peroxide, no chlorine and none of those nasty phosphates. It’s 100% biodegradable, safe for colorfast washable fabrics and is made right here in the wine-loving capital of the world, the United States of America.