C-EXO Takes The Knee Brace To An Extreme With Its E-Knee

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$ 129+
C-EXO Takes The Knee Brace To An Extreme With Its E-Knee

C-EXO Takes The Knee Brace To An Extreme With Its E-Knee

C-EXO goes beyond the standard knee brace with the “smart” pneumatically activated E-Knee.

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$ 129+

The E-Knee by C-EXO is a device designed to address a common problem: To help athletes who are prone to knee injuries, or who currently have a knee injury, to work out with little fear of doing additional damage. The E-Knee is ultra futuristic-looking, allowing athletes to appear like a cool cyborg version of themselves when they wear the device. Since knee injuries are a common problem for athletes, leading them to be sidelined on the regular, tech startup C-EXO felt there needed to be a more technologically advanced approach to keeping knees safe — one that adjusted to each individual joint — and this led to the creation of the E-Knee.

The advanced E-Knee utilizes AI and an intuitive system of airbags and micro-compressors to either increase or decrease the pressure on the joint. The ARM chip is what makes the device tick, serving as a control box, connecting magnetically to the E-knee. This device detects the motion of the knee joint in real-time during workouts and then signals the device to adjust to provide the proper amount of support. The end result is an athlete who experiences a reduction in the strain on their knee, a decrease in pain while working out, and an increase in blood flow into the knee area. C-EXO is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, and the E-Knee has an anticipated delivery date of sometime this June.

For another tech Kickstarter product, check out the EyeQue VisionCheck 2.

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