Boie USA Toothbrush

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Boie USA Toothbrush

Boie USA Toothbrush

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In a lot of ways, a toothbrush is more than just a utility — it’s the one item in your life that is there for you through thick and thin. It travels with you on vacation. It’s the first thing you brought with you when you first moved out of your parents house and stated living on your own. It doesn’t complain, it doesn’t judge — it just keeps its proverbial head down, does its job and stands up to whatever life can throw at it. When it comes to an item that important, buying just any old toothbrush won’t do. You don’t want to buy a new brush because it’s pretty — you want to buy it because it’s the smart play.

That, in essence, is what the Boie USA Toothbrush is all about. It’s the logical extension of a time honored design and features silver that has been carefully embedded in the bristles and head that helps kill bacteria dead in its tracks. The rugged design also helps it to last over two times longer than that dumb drugstore toothbrush you’ve been using for your entire life. Because it doesn’t use batteries and the heads are interchangeable, this means you also get to keep the handle for as long as you want. You can pass this toothbrush down to future generations of your family if you want (though you probably shouldn’t, because to be honest, that’s a super weird thing to do).

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