Marvel Releases A 90-Second ‘Black Widow’ Special Look

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Marvel Releases A 90-Second ‘Black Widow’ Special Look

New details include an added glimpse into the mysterious Taskmaster, a new character whose actor has been kept a carefully guarded secret.

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The newly unveiled Black Widow Special Look brings Scarlett Johansson back as your favorite redheaded Avenger. The 90-second sneak peek expands on the previous teaser trailer that was released in 2019 and gives audiences more insight into the latest chapter in the life of Natasha Romanoff.

New details build on the intrigue of the mysterious Taskmaster, a character so enigmatic that his actor has not even been announced. The trailer also builds the backstory between Black Widow and her family with flashbacks into their brutal upbringing in a Soviet regime that trained them to be assassins. In keeping with the Marvel Cinematic Universe tradition, there is a great balance of action and humor. There are also several scenes featuring a costumed superhero fighting using a seemingly indestructible shield, perhaps a nod to Romanoff’s fellow Avenger, Captain America. Black Widow opens May 1 and also stars O-T Fagbenle, David Harbour, William Hurt, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, and Ray Winstone.

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