Final ‘Black Widow’ Trailer Released

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Final ‘Black Widow’ Trailer Released

Romanoff joins forces with fellow Black Widow, Yelena, along with Melina, the Iron Maiden, and the Red Guardian to end Taskmaster’s reign.

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The Black Widow Final Trailer gives audiences one last look into the latest addition to the canon of films in the Marvel Universe. This fleeting glimpse shows Natasha Romanoff going back to where everything began. The major takeaway from the final trailer is that the film will delve deeper into the femme fatale’s secretive past than fans may have initially thought. Though that plot point has been alluded to in previous trailers, this last look puts the poignance of that component of her story arch into perspective.

Traumatic memories of Black Widow’s training in the Red Room — the top-secret Soviet training program that built her into an assassin — are brought to light when she learned that a whole new wave of recruits is emerging. When it becomes clear that Taskmaster is leading this operation to kidnap and brainwash young girls to turn them into his pawns, Romanoff has no other choice but to take him down. Natasha joins forces with fellow Black Widow, Yelena, as well as Melina, the Iron Maiden, and the Red Guardian to end this dire threat and finally close a chapter from her past that has haunted her for as long as she can remember.

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