Black Insomnia Coffee

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Black Insomnia Coffee

Black Insomnia Coffee

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There are two types of coffee drinkers in the world. On the one hand, you have the hobbyist — the people who walk into a coffee shop and order a “small vanilla cafe latte whatever nonsense” and casually sip away, without a care in the world. Then, you have the true aficionados — the people who are serious about their daily caffeine injection. The people who want their coffee black, strong and they want it now. For those people, you have what is now the strongest cup of coffee in the world. No, it’s not Death Wish Coffee anymore – they put a target on their back the minute they dared try to claim that title. Instead, it’s all about Black Insomnia Coffee — for those times where sleep is not an option.

Black Insomnia Coffee is naturally (and perfectly) roasted and incredibly high in caffeine – it’s equal parts craft and “I think my heart is about to pound out of my chest” in one magical cup. It’s got a minimum of 702 mg of caffeine per 12 ounce cup, making it a full 6.3% stronger than those sissies at Death Wish Coffee could ever muster. Whether you’re looking for single serving capsules or you want to take complete control over your morning brew with coffee beans and ground, Black Insomnia Coffee has you covered.

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