Analogue Pocket - IMBOLDN
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Analogue Pocket

Analogue Pocket

The system ditches the old screen and upgrades it with a 1600 x 1440 resolution, which is 10 times better than the original.

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$ 200

The Nintendo Game Boy revolutionized the way we all played video games on the go. Before the Game Boy we were forced to play the small electronic devices that had a single game built-in, graphics in-line with a calculator, and no ability to save progress. Yet the Game Boy has mostly gone the way of the dodo. While there are some handheld options, most games are now played on mobile phones. So what is a classic gamer to do? Check out the Analogue Pocket.

The Analogue Pocket is designed to feel just like the classic Game Boy design. It’s also compatible with 2,780 different Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and a number of other cartridge style systems. Thankfully, the system ditches the old screen and upgrades it with a 1600 x 1440 resolution, which is 10 times better than the original. Now is the perfect time to rediscover your love with the old gaming platforms and check out the Analogue Pocket.