This Is Ground Mod Laptop - IMBOLDN
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This Is Ground Mod Laptop

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Most laptop cases come in two flavors; a sleeve that keeps only fit your precious laptop or a generic bag with a pouch for your laptop. Either way, the laptop is either too celebrated, where its accompanying accessories are completely left out, or the laptop plays second fiddle to every other item that you carry in your bag. This Is Ground sets off to change this by offering the versatility and modular nature of its many other cases and pouches in its Mod collection.

The This Is Ground Mod Tablet offers pockets and slots for pretty much everything that any laptop user can possibly need and think of. Not only is the thoughtful case thoughtful, you can choose between three shades of beautiful leather for that quality feel. The only oversight, or in this case a major one depending on how you look at it, might be the lack of consideration for Apple’s massive power supply cable.