Volta V Wooden Computer

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Volta V Wooden Computer

Volta V Wooden Computer

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With technology evolving at an incredible pace, many computers quickly fall behind times, only to find themselves being discarded. Electronic consumer goods makes up a staggering 9,040,000 tons of waste ever year in the US alone. The Volta V sets out to remedy this by creating hand-crafted wooden computers inspired by honestly made wooden furniture that can last for a lifetime.

Just a quick look at the Volta V will reveal that it has more in common with high end furniture design than most computers. It’s beauty is more than skin deep though, as these computers are ‘designed for life,’ using standard parts seen in most PCs, so you can upgrade your computer down the line. Starting at $1,999 for a competently configured PC, you can configure the Volta V to run all the latest AAA titles without breaking a sweat, as long as you’re willing to splurge on the latest graphics cards and processors. Available for preorder, this is the perfect computer for those that want to be more environmentally responsible while enjoying a uniquely designed performance PC.

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