Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor

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Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor

Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor

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Classic lighters never seem to last. You buy them, you lose them. You buy them, they take a swim off the boat. You buy them, and they crack spilling lighter fluid all over your new jeans in a very awkward pattern. Fortunately the Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor is built to protect your favorite lighter no matter where life takes you. Its rugged, heat-resistant, reinforced polymer construction provides a secure case for your favorite classic lighter or lighter insert.

The Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor features an o-ring seal that provides an increased level of protection from dirt, dust, water, and shock. With a one-handed operation design, the Thyrm PyroVault Lighter Armor allows you to redefine the smooth “can I offer you a light” modern day impression of James Bond. Or perhaps the rugged aesthetic of Jason Bourne is more your style. Either way, protect your manhood and lighter in one handy device.

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