This Smart Bike Weights Less Than 2 Kilos

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$ 2,300+
This Smart Bike Weights Less Than 2 Kilos

This Smart Bike Weights Less Than 2 Kilos

The electric bike is the creation of Angell and visionary French designer Ora Ito, weighing less than 2 kg and recharging in a mere 2 hours.

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$ 2,300+

With 4 riding modes, a 2.4-inch touchscreen, and 43 miles of battery range, the new Angell Smart Bike is built for you. This electric smart bike is an integration project between Angell and visionary French designer Ora Ito. It weighs less than 2 kg and recharges in a mere 2 hours. Its rear lights, brake lights, and turn lights all keep you stay safe on the road. And if you’re worried about the status of the battery, the OnAir updates are there to give you plenty of time to plan ahead. Comfortable without compromising the adrenaline rush of the ride, everything from the cockpit to the lighting flows together for both form and function.

Made from lightweight aluminum and carbon materials, this electric bike is one of the world’s most mobile in more ways than one. It is designed to use 4 different riding modes — Fly Fast, Fly Dry, Fly Eco, and Fly Fee. The first riding mode allows you to channel the utmost power from the bike, propelling it to speeds of 15.5 mph at a moment’s notice. Fly Dry is designed to assist riders to ease the burden on themselves so they can avoid breaking a sweat if they’re commuting to work or on their way to meet up with a date. For the uncharted course ahead, Fly Eco does its best to enhance battery life in the event you end up taking a circuitous route and need the extra juice to get back home. Lastly, Fly Free lets the electric bike function without any added assistance — perfect for pushing your workouts to the next level or conserving battery life for when you need the help.

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