A First Look At Robert Pattinson’s Batman

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A First Look At Robert Pattinson’s Batman

The teaser trailer shows a re-imagined Batsuit that embodies Gotham’s dystopian atmosphere with a rough, industrial design.

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Batman, the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader. Whatever you decide to call Bruce Wayne’s alter ego, the comic book character remains a favorite around the globe. A number of men have slipped under the cowl, but not everyone has been able to pull off the look and feel of what we have all come to expect out of Batman. Now Robert Pattinson is set to star in the latest film chronicling the Dark Knight’s crusades through the crime-ridden streets of Gotham City, aptly titled The Batman. While the Twilight actor has been under contract for some time now, we haven’t seen his incarnation of Batman. The Batman Teaser Trailer – Robert Pattinson Batsuit Reveal gives us that eagerly anticipated first glimpse.

Though this is more of a camera test than an actual teaser trailer, it does give us our first look at Robert playing Gotham’s savior. Shot under red light with a slowly building piano theme, it’s dark and it’s menacing like the ominous nights in the streets of the dystopian metropolis. Pattinson’s Batsuit embodies that atmosphere with a rough, industrial design that sets itself apart from previous versions in other films set in the Batman universe.

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