Space Shaker Collap­sible Shaker Bottle

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Space Shaker Collap­sible Shaker Bottle

Space Shaker Collap­sible Shaker Bottle

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The problem with any container is that even when it’s not containing anything, it still takes up a lot of space. Well, the Space Shaker Collapsible Shaker Bottle is mindful of the precious real estate in your bag, crumpling into a compact package for travel.

The Space Shaker also includes an mixer attachment that makes it an infuser bottle or protein shaker. While Space Shaker can’t make your whey protein shakes taste any better, it can ensure that the excuse “my bottle was too big for my bag” is never used again. The Space Shaker can carry up to 20 oz (600 ml) and is dishwasher safe.

With kitchen-grade stainless steel base and cap, airtight silicone seal, and FDA-approved materials, here’s looking at a small sized package that delivers a powerful punch.

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