ParaWallets Paracord Wallet - IMBOLDN
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Paracord Wallet

ParaWallets Paracord Wallet

Your ultimate survival kit that’s always with you in your pocket.

Emergencies can happen anytime. That’s why caution and preparedness are key to safely avoiding the worst case scenario, and a good idea to carry around a handy tool or survival kit, just incase you find yourself between a rock and a hard place.

ParaWallets Paracord Wallet is the ultimate survival kit thats always with you in your pocket. Born from the idea of creating the perfect paracord wallet for any credit card survival tool that you may already have in your wallet, it’s made from over 50-feet of 550 lbs 7-strand parachute cord. It even has a built-in ferrocerium fire starter rod so you can start a fire anywhere. Heaven forbid that you would ever need to use this wallet as a paracord, but if you do, you can rest assured knowing that you’re prepared.