Novitec Esteso

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Novitec Esteso

Novitec Esteso

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Since the initial boom of SUVs in the 1990s, countless industry experts have forecasted doom for this large and gas-guzzling form of automotive transportation. Well, recent trends show that the SUV isn’t going anywhere. Despite double-digit decreases in overall car sale figures, respected news sources such as CNBC are reporting increased SUV sales across all markets and demographics.

Perhaps one of the loudest declarations of the recent resurgence of the SUV, the Italian performance tuner Novitec has released its take on the Maserati Levante SUV. Sold under the name Novitec Esteso, this vehicle is the result of Novitec’s first foray into the world of SUV design.

The Novitec Esteso’s 3.0-liter twin-turbo V6 engine can keep up with any high-performance car on the market with an impressive 494 horsepower. Built for speed, it can rocket to 62 mph in less than 5 seconds. However, it’s the body of the Novitec Esteso that makes the first, extremely sporty, impression. Amped up but low to the ground, the vehicle captures the lean and mean look of a performance car with exceptional style and charm.

But make no mistake: the Novitec Esteso is an SUV through and through. With 486 foot-pounds of torque it can tow loads with the best of today’s heavy trucks. It also features 22-inch alloy wheels with widened wheel arches that measure 10 inches at the front and 12 inches at the back. Plus, with an overall width that surpasses 82 inches, the Novitec Esteso is wider than a Hummer!

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