The Fives from Klipsch Will Make You Replace Your Soundbar

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$ 799
The Fives from Klipsch Will Make You Replace Your Soundbar

The Fives from Klipsch Will Make You Replace Your Soundbar

The Fives connect directly to a TV while being paired with other wireless devices by way of Bluetooth 5 plus USB and HDMI-ARC connections.

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$ 799

Sound matters. All sound enthusiasts know that the speakers built into TVs, computers, and stereos alone won’t cut it. For true high-quality sound performance, the right set of external speakers is necessary. So when you need to get the best audio out of your entertainment system, that’s where the Klipsch Fives enters the fold. Dubbed the most versatile speaker on Earth, The Fives from Klipsch offers a high-definition sound that can enhance any experience whether it’s adding theater-quality sound to movies or giving the ambiance of a concert hall to your music.

The speakers are easy to use, simple to connect, and ultimately make your listening experience that much more visceral. True hi-fi technology powers the speakers, from built-in dynamic bass equalization to 192kHz/24-bit decoding that can reproduce audio with studio-quality playback. Bluetooth 5 connectivity supplements USB and HDMI-ARC connections for multi-channel connectivity. This enabled The Fives to connect directly to a TV while being paired with other wireless devices. Crafted from premium and elegant accents, it’s the sound accessory you’ll wonder how you lived without. If you haven’t experienced the difference between standard built-in speakers and a quality external set, you’ll never go back after listening to these. Just plug it in, connect it, use the remote to control it and your ears will thank you later.

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