‘Hasselblad Masters Volume 6: Innovate’

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‘Hasselblad Masters Volume 6: Innovate’

‘Hasselblad Masters Volume 6: Innovate’

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Founded in 2001, the Hasselblad Masters competition has quickly become one of the most prestigious awards for all types of photographers. The competition is held every two years, and this year Hasselblad Masters Volume 6: Innovate holds the images captured by the 11 winners in 2018. Each winner was tasked with using a Hasselblad medium format camera to capture images in their respective photographic genres. The result was nothing short of stunning.

More than a coffee table showpiece, Hasselblad Masters Volume 6: Innovate represents an artistic testament to the beauty that exists in an innovative world. From the Southwestern US with its pastel landscapes to the poetic beauty found in Scandinavian portraits, the entire volume is inspiringly beautiful. In addition to the photographs, each of the 11 winners includes a written reflection on their experiences with the project and becoming a Hasselblad Master.

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