Handy Gym

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$ 379+
Handy Gym

Handy Gym

This workout stimulates both concentric and eccentric muscle contraction by sustaining a constant state of inertia throughout each rep.

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$ 379+

Billed as the smallest gym in the world, the Handy Gym packs a powerful workout into the palm of your hand. Advanced isoinertial technology developed by NASA provides over 220 pounds of resistance that builds strength without the need for any cumbersome weights. The conical pulley resistance system can be supplemented with a variety of accessories that facilitates over 200 different exercises with a single piece of two-pound equipment. The device is easy to carry around, perfect for packing your morning workout into an overnight bag or for ditching an expensive gym membership by making working out from home easier than ever.

Whether it’s Crossfit, HIIT, or powerlifting, fad workouts that carry expensive membership fees or inconvenient class schedules have a tendency to come and go. Isoinertial exercise builds its reputation on scientifically backed research, not clever marketing. By sustaining a constant state of inertia throughout the entire scope of a given range of motion, this exercise method stimulates both concentric and eccentric muscle contraction. In short, concentric contraction relates to the strength needed for a muscle to contract while eccentric pertains to that which is needed for muscles to lengthen. This holistic approach to resistance training is an efficient and revolutionary approach to building strength.

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