Get the Hint Mini Sticky Notes

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Get the Hint Mini Sticky Notes

Get the Hint Mini Sticky Notes

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To make things easier for their clients, lawyers will often put sticky notes on the contracts that they hand over to sign. The sticky notes will often say things like ‘sign here’ or ‘important,’ acting as a visual guide on how to navigate the complex world of contracts. Even if it isn’t an attorney-client relationship, these sticky notes often show up in office memos as well. It’s a polite way of making sure that less experienced people get their job done, but what if there was a set of sticky notes that could really say what was on your mind?

Thanks to a set of cleverly profane mini sticky notes, you can make sure that the reader understands what’s important without the thin veneer of politeness. The Get the Hint Mini Sticky Notes features five to-the-point notes, such as “Fuck this”, “Fuck that”, “This is fucking urgent”, “Don’t fuck this up” and “Fuck yeah.” Hardly appropriate when signing an important contract for a major deal at the office, but these forcefully light hearted stickies should get the point across loud and clear if needed. Think of it as your daily dose of profanity — whether it be you giving or on the receiving end of it — to keep your wits about you. Just make sure that you don’t take it personally when you receive a memo with these delightfully inappropriate remarks; or maybe like the name suggests, it might be time for you to get the hint.

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