Garmin Introduces A Limited Edition Watch Set

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$ 10,000
Garmin Introduces A Limited Edition Watch Set

Garmin Introduces A Limited Edition Watch Set

Only 100 sets of this collection of smartwatches will be released in celebration of Garmin’s 30th birthday.

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$ 10,000

As an exquisite set of 5 watches, the Garmin MARQ Modern Tool Watch Set is a stunning collector’s item with different examples that all embody the watchmaker’s purpose-built designs behind its smartwatches. This collection is 1 of 100 available, perfect as a gift or for adding to your own collection. The Marq style is unique offering stunning characteristics that set each watch apart from others on the market. 

Each of the 5 expressions in this collection offers a distinct, utilitarian purpose while similarly harnessing the power of Garmin Connect and its IQ Apps. The MARQ Captain features tack assist items for sailors and a component that will accurately and immediately note the location should anyone go over the side of the ship. You can check the topographical features of any location with the MARQ Adventurer. Runners can monitor nearby routes by harnessing Garmin’s superlative GPS functionality as well as vital health statistics via the MARQ Athletic. The Aviator assists pilots with finding the nearest waypoint. Lastly, the Driver watch lets racers keep an accurate record of lap times and top speeds. This set shows the potential of what a watch can do beyond simply telling time.

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